‘Supporting sustainable development;
preserving our character and natural environment;
strengthening protection of the Green Belt'
Latest news
The first hearings on Enfield's new Local Plan took place 22-30 January 2025 and focused on process and higher level issues. The next hearings - in June? - will be on the specific sites proposed for development.
The GLA / Mayor of London and TfL have deep concerns about the Green Belt plans, but surprised everyone with a proposal to concentrate up to 12,000 homes at Chase Park - see article.
Unhelpfully, in the middle of the examination Enfield Council's CEO has resigned - see here.
In Dec'24 the NPPF update was published. The changes weaken the protection of the Green Belt, and downgrade parts of it to 'grey belt'. See Green Belt / Local Plan page for further details.
Local Plan vs Neighbourhood Plan
Planning applications are considered against the policies of both the Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan.
The Hadley Wood Neighbourhood Plan only applies to our area and was developed, and voted on, by local residents. It reflects the community's view on what development should look like.
Enfield Council's Local Plan covers the entire borough. It sets a new housing target, and can remove land from the Green Belt for development (or add to it). Councillors, not residents, vote on the Local Plan.
The NP's policies can differ from the Local Plan policies, but must align with its 'Strategic Policies', such as the target number of new homes.
What's happening?
Enfield Council has for a few years been developing its new Local Plan for the period to 2041.
In spite of overwhelming objections in 2021, the Council produced a largely unchanged draft, which was subject to one last public consultation (that ended 20th May 2024).
On 6 September 2024 the Council submitted that draft Plan for independent examination. Comments you sent in during the last consultation were passed on to the Examiner.
The new homes target has been increased by 33% over the 2021 draft. This is being used to justify the unchanged plans for material releases of Green Belt land for development, including the fields off Crescent West (see images below).

View from Crescent West
The Local Plan mentions 160 new homes, but the number could be much higher (500) based on the building density to be used at Chase Park, and buildings up to 7 storeys tall.